Á Iceland Innovatation Week stendur Nýsköpunarnefnd FKA og Nýsköpunarsjóður atvinnulífsins fyrir spennandi opnum viðburði; Konur og nýsköpun. Viðburðurinn verður haldinn á ensku í Sykursalnum í Grósku milli klukkan 10:15 og 11:15 fimmtudaginn 25. maí. Léttar veitingar verða í boði að lokinni dagskrá en einnig verður viðburðinum streymt á Facebook fyrir þau sem eiga ekki heimangengt.
The importance of innovation in all areas of society is becoming increasingly important. The opportunities are endless, both in entrepreneurship and innovation in services and digital development, and there is a great need for increased diversity of people involved in innovation.
For this event, we will feature inspiring stories by women sharing their experiences in different aspects of the innovation process.
Guðrún Hildur Ragnarsdóttir CEO @Keeps – From Idea to reality
Hafrún H. Þorvaldsdóttir CEO @e1 – eONE FOR ALL and ALL for eONE
Join us for two powerful presentations and meet like-minded people for networking & discussion on how to promote more diversity in innovation.