"We gained the trust of other investors due to the fund's involvement"

Benedikt Skúlason
of Lauf


New Business Venture Fund

The New Business Venture Fund is an evergreen investment fund that actively contributes to the development and growth of the Icelandic economy by investing in promising innovation and start-up companies.
The Fund invests mainly in companies that are likely to provide added value and profitability for Icelandic society as well as being a good return of investment.
The Fund uses its profits from its sales of holdings to invest in innovation and start-up companies as well as to follow through growing companies that are already in its portfolio.

25 years and 200 companies

The New Business Venture Fund is a state owned investment fund intended to strengthen and develop the Icelandic venture capital market along with promoting startups and business in Iceland thus encouraging economic growth.

Evergreen and sustainable

The fund is an evergreen investment fund meaning that the fund is sustainable and sales of assets supports both the operation and new investments.

Invested for 25 billion

The fund has invested up to 25 billion ISK at current value in companies and encouraged other investors to participate in them.

Powerful companies have been created

A number of large and powerful companies sought their first funding from the fund.

A good property and loan portfolio

Today about 35 companies are in the fund's property and loan portfolio and the fund actively participates in their development.

Enhances access to other resources

In contrast to competing with other funds for investments, the fund can bridge the gap until other funds are ready to invest.

The Fund's Mission and Value

The New Business Venture Funds mission is to strengthen and develop Icelandic venture capital market along with promoting startups and business in Iceland thus encouraging economic growth.
The funds values are: Responsibility, cooperation and foresight. The fund emphasizes on responsible investment policy and professional work practices, good cooperation with the companies in its portfolio, a supportive environment for innovation and investors and aims to promote Iceland's economic development.


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